Did you know NFL players use Rolfing® Structural Integration to get themselves ready for game day? Wayne Henningsgaard is the Rolfer(tm) for several Minnesota Vikings.
Testimonial from donutszenmom
Here’s a testimonial from a yogini, a blogger going by the moniker donutszenmom.
From her post “Rolfing works:”
The verdict is in, after this morning’s practice: Rolfing works. I first noticed something when I got to Prasarita Padottanasana B. I usually sail through A, because I can pull with my hands to get my head on the floor. But B and C pose more of a challenge. What I noticed today was 1) my head was on the floor, no problem, in all Prasaritas, and 2) I was strangely, and just slightly, off-balance. As if my shoulder/neck area was “too light.” It took me a few moments to figure it out, but I realized that usually there is a ball of tension in my upper back, between my shoulders, and it kind of makes this tangled ball of tension that “sticks” my shoulders, upper back, and neck all together. And all of that was missing. It was like I was empty inside, and lighter. And it affected my balance ever so slightly… [Read more…]
Testimonial by Randy Gage, Financial Motivational Speaker
Interesting find on the ‘net today. I’ve never heard of Randy Gage, but he wrote an interesting bit about his Rolfing experience on his website. He went in with concerns about his deviated septum and a herniated disc. Randy’s Rolfer was Jorge Gonzalez in Florida. Click through to read an excerpt. [Read more…]
Video über Rolfing für die deutschsprachige Welt (A video about Rolfing for German speakers)
Ein Video von smittysue auf YouTube bietet einen Blick in das Welt des Rolfing. Wer sich etwas aktuell und zwar visuell sehen wollte, sollte das Link klicken.
Beschreibung des Autors: Schmerzender Rücken kann nicht entzücken. In diesem Bericht wird eine schmerzfreie Behandlung, ganz ohne Chemie, gezeigt. Schmerzen einfach “weg-rolfen”.
Coming to Rolfing: Matt
I have always been skeptical by nature. I think skepticism is healthy, and that’one of the reasons I created this site is to help people skeptical about structural integration get better answers to their questions. When I first heard about Rolfing® Structural Integration, I liked what I heard about the goals, but I couldn’t believe the expense. The price tag set alarm bells off in my head, especially with all the unsubstantiated and unprovable claims I was reading all over the internet. It sounded like extremely expensive voodoo. [Read more…]
Rolfing Results: Elisha
These are photos of Elisha.* They have been altered to show only the outlines to protect her identity and more clearly show the contour differences that occurred as a result of the Rolfing 10-series and three Movement Integration sessions.
Important changes include: the resting position of the knees (locked before, relaxed after), horizontalized pelvis with improved activation of transversus abdominis, reduced thoracic curve, and easier position of head and neck.
Before 10-series (left) | After (right)
Elisha received her 10-series from Matt Hsu, Certified Rolfer – San Francisco.
*Client’s name has been changed.