Interesting find on the ‘net today. I’ve never heard of Randy Gage, but he wrote an interesting bit about his Rolfing experience on his website. He went in with concerns about his deviated septum and a herniated disc. Randy’s Rolfer was Jorge Gonzalez in Florida. Click through to read an excerpt.
He put KY jelly on his glove and actually put his finger up through my nose into the sinus cavity. It is about as weird and uncomfortable as it sounds. But I’ll tell you what: I could actually hear and feel the septum open up and reset…I have woken up every morning with my left sinus passage clogged for at least ten years. The next day after my first session I woke up with it clear, and it has been ever since. I called and canceled the scheduled sinus surgery the same day. More importantly, I have taken at least 15 flights since then, and not had a sinus infection. That is unheard of for me…
I was even more impressed with the results on my herniated disc.
Jorge was able to get me running without pain for the first time in a few years. He got the muscles to loosen up and free some of the pressure on the disc, which had gotten to the point where it was often debilitating. Even with natural remedies and drugs I haven’t been pain free in a long time. Now I’m off the pain medication except for game time, and it’s getting better each week.
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