Regularly I post articles that I write for different publication on the blog for the Sandpoint Wellness Council.
Check them out, I often write about more than Rolfing. You can find the list of these articles here.
Rolfing(R) Structural Integration
Regularly I post articles that I write for different publication on the blog for the Sandpoint Wellness Council.
Check them out, I often write about more than Rolfing. You can find the list of these articles here.
Ever since I got into Rolfing I’ve recommended ‘self Rolfing(SI)’. Using rollers, river rocks, towels, and etc. to build on the benefits of Rolfing (SI). For my athletes I particularly recommend finding ways to remove the tension they put back in their bodies.
This post is an excellent set of instructions on how to use other devices to ‘self Rolf (SI)’ – check it out.
Here’s a good article in the New York Times
about what high heel shoes do to women. Every woman given a pair of these shoes should get a Rolfers business Card.
This article in Huffington Post lays out why the most prevalent tissue of the body is important. Read it, I think you’ll enjoy it.
If you ever had a shoulder injury you know how frustrating it can be, let alone painful. You get to the point where you can barely use the arm. That is not good.
Over the years I have over a hundred of clients with frozen shoulders or rotator cuff injuries often referred by orthopedic surgeons. For Rolfers it is one of the easiest problems to fix. Until this article in the New York Times I never heard of anyone else mention the secret to healing shoulder injuries.
The supraspinatus muscle on the back of the shoulder blade gets tight and short as it turns into scar tissue from the arm being constantly rotated out. When your elbow points behind you and not out to the side this little muscle is to blame.
Loren Fishman, a physiatrist (physical and rehabilitative medicine specialist) affiliated with New York-Presbyterian/Columbia hospital took his yoga training to create a simple stretch to release this muscle. Read the article to learn how you can heal your bad shoulder. I also suggest you read this article I wrote on shoulder problems to better understand what causes them and how Rolfing can help.
This article explains that a lack of touch will kill a baby. Our skin comes from the same tissue that our brain comes from as we develop. We all grew up in a culture where we were touch deprived. As a Rolfer I see this particularly with my male clients. I know I was one of them.
Thank you Rolfing clients.
Without even knowing about it I won something I am not technically doing. On July 29, 2011 I won third place in the Daily Bee for the best massage therapist in Bonner County. As all my clients know, Rolfing is not massage… but it is bodywork, so often bodywork is defaulted to the massage category. As the only Rolfer in the county I would win number one if there was one for Rolfers, but there isn’t.
I like winning at things I don’t do – thank you.