Here’s a testimonial from a yogini, a blogger going by the moniker donutszenmom.
From her post “Rolfing works:”
The verdict is in, after this morning’s practice: Rolfing works. I first noticed something when I got to Prasarita Padottanasana B. I usually sail through A, because I can pull with my hands to get my head on the floor. But B and C pose more of a challenge. What I noticed today was 1) my head was on the floor, no problem, in all Prasaritas, and 2) I was strangely, and just slightly, off-balance. As if my shoulder/neck area was “too light.” It took me a few moments to figure it out, but I realized that usually there is a ball of tension in my upper back, between my shoulders, and it kind of makes this tangled ball of tension that “sticks” my shoulders, upper back, and neck all together. And all of that was missing. It was like I was empty inside, and lighter. And it affected my balance ever so slightly…
…All I could think was, “I’ve got to get this done to my hips, too!” It is much as I suspected: the Rolfing adjusted the structure I’ve learned to identify as “me”– in this case, the upper back tension that I thought was simply a part of me, that I created and clung to as part of my physical identity. I knew it was there, but I didn’t know how MUCH there it was, or that it wasn’t really necessary to my physical structure, until it was relieved…
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