People often wonder how structural integrators can claim to elicit emotional change. Structural integrators claim that a sense of well-being can result, that sometimes our work is more effective at getting through emotional blocks than talk-therapy, etc. etc. We make pretty bold claims for some people to believe, so let’s look at the science behind such claims, shall we? [Read more…]
What is Rolfing?
Rolfing is a holistic therapy that realigns and reeducates the entire body to allow for more efficient patterns of movement and less strain on the body in daily life.
Does Rolfing® hurt?
The short answer is no.
The long answer is that it can involve intense sensations, but today’s Rolfers never want that intensity to turn into grimaces and protective tightening in clients. Such physical responses are viewed as counterproductive to bringing about lasting change. [Read more…]