Here are videos explaining Rolfing.
Michael Solberg, MD a Dallas plastic surgeon and Rolfer, describes how Rolfing works. When I had my clinic in Scottsdale, AZ, I had plastic surgeons for clients. These fellows, without really knowing it, had a great understanding of fascia. Back then, fascia was not given much attention in anatomy classes, so not much credit was given to fascia for what it was doing. Yet without fascia surgery, plastic surgery would not be possible. Fascia allows the attachment of tissue; fascia is the web that holds everything together. (An interesting side note: Michael’s father, Ken is an old friend and “old Rolfer”. If Ken is old, that makes me old too.)
An old video of Ida Rolf, Ph.D. is a very good explanation of what occurs when injury (stress) impairs fascia, and how Rolfing releases the adhesion. Here is another old video of Ida speaking of Rolfing. These old videos are entertaining for their ancientness.