Newsweek claims Rolfing (SI) is “experiencing a comeback.” When I got into it in the mid 70’s it was starting to take off along with other holistic health and environmental concerns. Now with the environment permanently positioned in our culture as much as education or sports, we are starting to see the resurgence of holistic techniques. Global warming put environmental concerns back on the map. Our aging baby boomers and our healthcare crisis is putting holistic health back on the map.
Rolfing led the bodywork aspect of the holistic health wave a generation ago. We will see if it does that again. Sadly I have to admit we suck at marketing. Rolfers, like other professionals, are not business people or marketers. Neither is the Rolf Institute – that is scary. For 35 years I have seen the Rolf Institute neglect espousing Rolfing’s benefits. This article gives me hope.
I continually have clients say,” I wish I would have known about this sooner.” All I can do is agree with them. More people should know about Rolfing. We have had is word of mouth— which is the best form of publicity. Yet, we still need to have the media inform those that don’t have friends that were Rolfed.
When you have a chance, send the Newsweek article to someone. Get your local paper to do an article on Rolfing. You are welcome to use the articles I posted on Rolfing at another blog I created for the Sandpoint Wellness Council. It focuses on particular issues that Rolfing helps. Better yet, tell your paper about your experience. The media is always looking for stories. The Newsweek article is social proof that Rolfing is hot once again. Your experience is the local favor to this national story.
[…] Read about the Newsweek article here. […]