After a gorgeous summer here in Sandpoint, we are entering a special time when the days are temperate and the nights are cool, the tourist are gone – we get to enjoy the beautiful environs at a slow pace.
Labor Day is when we all get back to our normal routines, school for some, “serious work” for others. For my practice there is always, a surge of clients coming in be it they were too busy in the summer or now they can be earnest about their bodies now summer is done.
The economic recession proved to be a psychological recession. For some the stress of worrying about money took a toll on them and their bodies. My first blog, www.stressedout.org because of this stress made it to #2 in Google. Honestly, for a good year, I didn’t do much with it, then I noticed it took off – I guess we are stressed.
While in Scottsdale, my business partner and I ran a Mindfulness Stress Reduction company. We were hugely successful in results and broke even finically. For years, I have wanted clients here in Sandpoint to take the class, but the closest class was Spokane. Thanks to a client, I found out these classes are now taught here. Call or email me and I can give you the details.
Enjoy your fall.
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