Inside SI is a great source of information on what is occurring in the field of Structural Integration, the generic term for Rolfing. Geared towards Rolfers, there is still posts that would be interesting to Rolfing clients.
I encourage you to explore what the site is offering.
Comment from Senada // Sep 30, 2007 at 4:52 pm
I recently graduated Unit I at Boulder Rolf Institute. So great to find this and so much appreciate the intention. I have never used a computer to communicate so I am intimidated and this is very brave for me. I don’t even know what a blog is. I have the most awesome tech support a 14 yo son. He is so patient. One of the things I liked about the institute study was of the 16 people in my class were all ages from all over the world and some off the grid. I did not suffer due to lack of computer communication skills. I had some excellent advice going in “just enjoy the process”. Just be there in the process. I am going to be brave and visit this again. thank you, I hope to hear from other students, be novice or sage. I can’t wait to tell fellow students what I found here.